I'd like to say the reason I've been so long in posting is because I've been working every spare minute on my various crafts in progress. In reality, work and some other obligations have kept me busy but I've managed to squirrel away some time to finish up the various things I've been stitching. These are most of the WIPs I posted about at the end of June. I'm choosing to beleive that I wrapped these up by the end of Summer even though we're about a week past Labor Day.
First up - cocktail napkins. These patterns were Aunt Martha's design. I matched them to some fabric I was already using in the basement and I love how they came out.
My other big project was three drawstring bags: one for my hair styling stuff to hang on the back of my bathroom door, one to carry my embroidery projects around, and one for my suitcase to hold delicates when I travel.
I used the Burdastyle drawstring bag tutorial. This was really simple and could be modified to whatever size you wanted. I wanted my drawstrings to match the backing fabric on these bags so I liked this pattern because it used a strip of the fabric to make drawstrings. The only issue is that since the drawsting is basically just a strip of fabric folded in half there is some thread shedding. You might avoid this by making the drawstring similar to bias tape - cutting double the size and folding them in towards the middle. In any case - I like how these turned out and they would be easy and quick to use as gift bags as well.
The last bag is my delicates bag. I've just basted on the initials at this point, but I plan to use some decorative embroidery to secure the initials.
I'll be moving on to a few more projects and hopefully there will be a lot fun Fall activities to post about in the coming weeks!